26 Ago, 2014

father and sons..

Posted by: ludiko boy In: ludiko

in quest’estate ho saputo di aver ritrovato mia moglie e i miei tre figli…

A Feed-back Situation
“I originate movement which Erik translates and returns to me. What I get in return is my movement fed through his sensory system.”
2-State Transfer Drawing Dennis to Erik Oppenheim
“As I run a marker along Erik’s back he attempts to duplicate the movement on the wall. My activity stimulates a kinetic response from his sensory system. I am, therefore, drawing through him…Because Erik is my offspring and we share similar biological ingredients, his back (as surface) can be seen as an immature version of my own. In a sense, I make contact with a past state.”
2-State Transfer Drawing Erik to Dennis Oppenheim
“As Erik runs a marker along my back I attempt to duplicate the movement on the wall. His activity stimulates a kinetic response from my sensory system. He is, therefore, drawing through me…Because Erik is my offspring and we share similar biological ingredients, my back (as surface) can be seen as an mature version of his own. In a sense, he contacts a future state.”
from Dennis Oppenheim: Retrospective de l’oeuvre/works 1967-1977, Musee D’Art Contemporain, Montreal, 1978

Ludiko e' un duo multidisciplinare composto da Andrea Ruschetti aka Ludiko boy e Francesca Mendolia aka Miss Paka.
Ludiko indaga e rivela il significato di GIOCARE/ GIOCO/ GIOCATORE.
"Giocare" come elemento centrale di azione,interazione, percezione e rappresentazione.
"Gioco" come strumento e scenario unico per potenziale espressivo e relazionale.
"Giocatore" come attitudine sociale contemporanea sospesa tra Puer Aeternus e Homo Ludens.
Le manifestazioni di Ludiko prendono forma imprevedibile tra oggetti, immagini, opere, video, performance ed installazioni.
ludikontact >>>>>>>>>>>
Ludiko is a multidisciplinary duo formed by Andrea Ruschetti aka Ludiko boy and Francesca Mendolia aka Miss Paka.
Ludiko investigates and reveals the full meaning of PLAY / GAME/ PLAYER.
"Play" as the central element for action, interaction, perception and representation.
"Game" as a tool, as a setting with a unique expressive and relational potential.
"Player" as a contemporary social attitude suspended between the PuerEternus and the Homo Ludens.
The manifestations by Ludiko reveal unexpected forms between objects, images, artworks, performances & installations.
ludikontact >>>>>>>>>>>
APPLY TO LUDIKO - Send your CV - Graphic Designers, 3D Designers, MultiPlayers